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As of December 2019, many of the family history reports need to be updated to correct some really inaccurate information (yikes!) and to add additional information. Still, there's a lot of good information here. Happy hunting!

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Anderson (2015)    Barrett    Colvin    Dillard

Fitzpatrick   Gentry    Herron   Hughes    Koontz

Lyon    Marshall    McComb    Plunkett

Thurmond    Truitt    Witt

Untangling My RHODES Family Tree: New Information, January 2020

Anderson, Thomas (1757)
Anderson, Samuel W. (1819)
Anderson, Samuel W., Estate Inventory/Appraisement, 1819
Anderson, John William (1826-1902)

Berry, Thomas S (1882)

Fitzpatrick, John (1815)

Gentry, Moses (1722-1808)

Hughes, Moses Sr. (1824)
Hughes, Moses Jr. (1850)

Koontz, John Peter (1887)
Koontz, Mary Francis (1915)

Lyon, John (1784)
Lyon, Peter Sr.
Lyon, William Sr. (1742-1811)

Marshall, William (1847)

McComb, William (1886 - Augusta Co., VA)

Rodes, David (1794 - Albemarle Co., VA)
Rodes, John (1810 - Albemarle Co., VA)
Rodes, John (1823 - Albemarle Co., VA)
Rodes, Charles, Sr. (1835 - Nelson Co., VA)
Rodes, John (1841 - Albemarle Co., VA)
Rodes, William Henry (1842 - Nelson Co., VA)
Rodes, Charles Preston (1842 - Nelson Co., VA)
Rhodes, Reuben (1844 - Amherst Co., VA)
Rhodes, John W. (1846 - Albemarle Co., VA)
Rhodes, Mary (1861 - Albemarle Co., VA)
Rodes, Sarah P. (1867 - Albemarle Co., VA)
Rodes, Ann N. Goodwin (1876 - Nelson Co., VA)
Rhodes, William (1885 - Albemarle Co., VA)

White, John (1787 - Orange Co., VA)

Witt, William (1754)
Witt, Burgess (1868 - Nelson Co., VA)

(Listed in Chronological Order)
Early Anderson Deeds, Albemarle & Amherst, Virginia
Early Thurmond Deeds, Albemarle & Amherst, Virginia

John Anderson to James Hamelton, 1765
John Thurmond to Samuel W. Anderson, 1785
Thomas Carr to Alexander Colvin, 1791
Bennett Nalley to Samuel W. Anderson, 1791
Samuel W. Anderson to John Anderson, 1808
Samuel W. Anderson to Samuel Bailey, 1810
John & Polly Anderson to John J. Wood, 1812
Samuel W. Anderson, et al, to James Thurmond, 1815
Matthew Rodes to Charles Yancey, Sheriff, 1822
James & Elizabeth Shields to Willis R. Plunkett, 1828
Wiatt and Mary (Phelps) Jones to Willis R. Plunkett, 1839
Mildred Marshall to Marshall, et al, 1847
Daniel Wade to Robert P. Rhodes, 1848
John Anderson (s/o Samuel) to His Children, 1855
Eliza, Mary, T.A. Rhodes to J.T., W.O., S.M. Anderson, 1878
William B. Smith to John W. Anderson, 1882
Thos. Bowen to John W. Anderson, 1883
John W. Anderson to Hatter, Carter, et al, 1884
Southall-Turner to John W. Anderson, 1885
James Thomas Anderson to Ella Jane Herron Anderson, 1893
JP Koontz Family to Joseph W. Marston, Staunton, VA (1907)
Samuel M. Anderson to James Thomas Anderson, 1918
M.W. Martin to Roy Sneed, 1920 (Sale of Rhodes land in Nelson Co. VA)
Bessie Anderson Pugh to Everett Plunkett Anderson, et al (1945 - Nelson Co., VA)
Everett Plunkett Anderson to James David Anderson (1950 - Nelson Co., VA)

Barrett, Almira Jane Truitt, 1852-1937
Barrett, Beulah, 1883-1914
Barrett, John Franklin, 1854-1910

Koontz, John Peter, 1827-1905
Koontz, John Victor, 1861-1935
Koontz, Lottie Wolfe, 1871-1929
Koontz, Mary F., 1836-1915

McComb, James, 1765-1846

1785 Albemarle County, Virginia Census (Self-transcribed, in .PDF Format)
1850 Nelson County Virginia Census Excerpts

*Alpha Listing by Major Family Name*
(Some entries appear twice)
Anderson*  *Barrett*  *Dickinson*  *Gentry*  *Herron*
*Koontz*  *McComb*  *Plunkett*  *Rhodes*  *Witt*  *Other*

Anderson and Related Families
The "Rich Cove" Area Map
Walter Anderson (son of Samuel W. Anderson)
John William Anderson (1826-1902), in Uniform (3/4 view)
John William Anderson (as an old man)
John William Anderson's Cabin (New Pictures Added Aug. 2003)
John William Anderson & Sarah Jane Rhodes' Grave Marker
James Thomas Anderson (s/o John and Sarah)
Mary S. Anderson Foster (d/o John & Sarah) Grave Marker
Ann Anderson White (d/o John & Sarah) & Charles White Grave Markers
Ella Jane Herron Anderson (wife of JT Anderson)
James Thomas Anderson & Ella Jane Herron Anderson Grave Markers
Willard O. & Dora Hilderbrand Anderson Grave Markers

Children of James Thomas Anderson & Ella Jane Herron Anderson
Harry Rhodes Anderson (son of James Thomas Anderson)
Harry Rhodes & Jeter Hamilton Anderson (sons of James & Ella Anderson)
Harry Rhodes Anderson & Maggie Everett Plunkett Wedding, 1913
Harry Rhodes Anderson & Maggie Everett Plunkett Anderson, 1913
Harry Rhodes Anderson & Maggie Everett Plunkett Anderson
H.R. and Maggie Everett Anderson House in Staunton, Virginia
Robert & John Anderson (sons of James and Ella) Grave Marker
Harry Rhodes Anderson & Maggie Everett Anderson Grave Markers
Jeter Hamilton Anderson (son of James and Ella) Grave Marker
Bessie Anderson Pugh (daughter of James and Ella)
Nora Anderson Timberlake Pugh (d/o James & Ella) Grave Marker

Barrett and Related Families
William Barrett Grave Marker
Thomas Truitt Grave Marker
Lydia Williams Truitt Grave Marker
Elizabeth Ann Courson Truitt
David J. Truitt & Elizabeth Courson Truitt Grave Marker
John Franklin Barrett & Almira Jane Truitt Barrett
John Franklin Barrett Grave Marker
Almira Jane Truitt Barrett
Almira Jane Truitt Barrett and son Robert L. Barrett, Sr.
Almira Jane Truitt Barrett Grave Marker
Narrows Cemetery, Pennsylvania
Robert L. Barrett, Sr. (son of John F. and Almira Jane Barrett)
Robert L. Barrett, Sr. & Hazel Melba Koontz Barrett, ca. 1924?
Robert L. Barrett, Sr. & Hazel Melba Koontz Barrett
David J. Barrett (son of John F. and Almira Jane Barrett)

Thomas M. Dickinson
T.M. Dickinson Grave Marker
Ella Dickinson Hughes & Molly


Herron - Gentry and Related Families
Herron Homeplace, Nelson County, Virginia
Willis A. & Sarah E. Gentry Herron
Willis A. & Sarah E. Gentry Herron: Grave Marker
Ella Jane Herron Anderson (d/o Willis & Sarah)
Ella Jane Herron Anderson (d/o Willis & Sarah) Grave Marker
Julia Ann Herron Fox (d/o Willis & Sarah) Grave Marker
Charles T. Herron (son of Willis & Sarah) & Bessie V. Grave Marker
May Herron (d/o Willis & Sarah) Grave Marker
Marguerette Herron Gilbert (d/o Willis & Sarah) Grave Marker
A.W. Gentry (brother of Sarah Gentry Herron) Grave Marker

Koontz and Related Families
Flums, Switzerland ca. 1880--Birthplace of Prof. John P. Koontz
Flums, Switzerland MAPS--Birthplace of Prof. J.P. Koontz
John V. Koontz & Lottie M. Wolfe Koontz Gravemarker

McComb and Related Families
McComb Homeplace, Augusta County, Virginia
James McComb Grave Marker--The Immigrant
Susanah Henderson McComb (wife of James) Grave Marker
William McComb Homeplace, Augusta County, Virginia
William McComb (son of James & Susanah) Grave Marker
* Sarah Lewis Hughes McComb or Elizabeth Jane McComb Witt?? *
Sarah Lewis Hughes McComb (wife of William) Grave Marker
Elizabeth Jane McComb Witt (d/o William & Sarah)
James H. McComb (son of William & Sarah) Grave Marker
William Rieves McComb (son of William & Sarah) Grave Marker
Sarah Frances "Fannie" McComb (d/o William & Sarah)
"Fannie" McComb (d/o William & Sarah) Grave Marker

Plunkett and Related Families
Willis Rucker Plunkett (1796-1883) - Estate Inventory & Sale
David Willis Plunkett (s/o Willis R. Plunkett & Mahala Dillard)
Alice Dicey Witt (wife of David W. Plunkett)
The Children of David W. Plunkett and Alice Dicey Witt
Leonard Plunkett (son of David and Alice Dicey)
Clarence Plunkett (son of David and Alice Dicey)
Irene Mosley Plunkett (daughter of David and Alice Dicey)
Thomas Joseph Plunkett (son of David and Alice Dicey)
Maggie Everett Plunkett (daughter of David and Alice Dicey)
Maggie Everett Plunkett Anderson
Lillie Alice Plunkett (d/o David and Alice Dicey)

Rhodes and Related Families
Robert P. & Mildred Marshall Rhodes' Homesite
Robert & Mildred Rhodes' Grave Markers
Sarah Jane Rhodes Anderson (d/o Robert & Mildred Rhodes) Grave Marker
Fannie Rhodes (d/o Robert & Mildred) Grave Marker
Edna Rhodes (d/o Robert & Mildred) Grave Marker
Mary & Eliza Rhodes (d/o Robert & Mildred) Grave Marker
Charles P. Rodes & Ann N. Goodwin Rodes Grave Markers
J. B. Rodes (unknown line)

Witt and Related Families
Witt House Pics (4), Front & Back Views: 1930s & 1950s, 1999
Witt House and Land, Nelson Co, VA: Spring 2000
Witt History from Nelson Co. VA Historical Society
John W. Witt (son of Burgess & Nancy) Grave Marker
Dicy Witt (d/o Dennett & Constance; wife of John) Grave Marker
Dennett A. Witt (son of John W. & Dicy)
Elizabeth Jane McComb Witt (wife of Dennett) & Children
Fannie McComb (sister of Elizabeth Jane McComb Witt)
John Will Witt & Sadie Witt (children of Dennett & Elizabeth)
John Will Witt & Lillie Witt (Arnold) (children of Dennett & Elizabeth)
Alice Dicey Witt (d/o Dennett & Elizabeth)
Betty Lewis Witt (d/o Dennett & Elizabeth)
Mattie Brooks Witt (d/o Dennett & Elizabeth) & John H. Collins
Sadie Witt (d/o Dennett & Elizabeth)
Dennett Witt (son of Dennett & Elizabeth)
Samuel Woods Witt (son of Dennett & Elizabeth)
James McComb Witt (son of Dennett & Elizabeth)
Dennett, Elizabeth Jane, Alice Dicey Witt Pics & Grave Markers
Alice Dicey Witt Plunkett, 1938

Other Photographs
*Listed Alphabetically*

Fox Memorial Grave Marker, Nelson Co., VA
Farrar-Micklem Cemetery Monument, Nelson Co., VA
John M., John W., Lucy Patrick Grave Markers
William Stewardson & Sarah Grave Markers
Elizabeth Thomas and Rev. Thomas Grave Markers
Elisha G. & Mildred R. Thurmond Grave Markers
James W. Timberlake (unknown) Grave Marker
Charles Yancey (unknown)
Rockfish Depot Post Office (Nelson County, Virginia)

From Samuel W. Anderson to Walter Anderson (1811)

(Will open in new window)

Mary Chisholm Rhodes vs John Rhodes - Albemarle County, Virginia - 1850. (Includes the will of Isham Chisholm, 1837 Albemarle County, VA.)
(These are not my ancestors, but someone may find it helpful.)

Mary "Molly" Martin Rhodes vs Administrators of the Estate of John W. Rhodes - Albemarle County, Virginia - 1850
Mary "Molly" Martin Rhodes vs John Birckhead & Thomas Brown - Albemarle County, Virginia - 1853
Admin of John Rhodes vs Robert Rhodes - Albemarle County, Virginia - 1868
Admin of John Rhodes FOR ETC vs Robert Rhodes - Nelson County, Virginia - 1878 (Library of Virginia)


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