James Thomas Anderson
Ella Jane Herron Anderson
Nelson County Deed Book 26, p. 290-291
September 4, 1893
This deed made and entered into the 4th day of September 1893 between J.T. Anderson party of the first part and Ella J. Anderson party of the second part both of the County of Nelson and State of Virginia.
Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said J.T. Anderson hereby sells, grants and conveys unto the said Ella J. Anderson one certain tract of land lying on one of the tributaries of North Rockfish River in Nelson County, and containing one hundred and five acres more or less, adjoining the lands of B.H. Goodloe, G.W. Fox and others, it being the same land upon which the said J.T. Anderson now resides and constitutes the residue of the 150 acre tract of land formerly owned by the said J.T. Anderson after selling off about 45 acres thereof to Sarah E. Herron and B.H. Goodloe. And the said J.T. Anderson hereby warrants generally the title to the said land hereby conveyed.
Witnesseth the following signature and seal the day and year first above written.
J.T. Anderson (seal)
State of Virginia
Nelson County to wit:
J.S. McClain, a Justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do certify that J.T. Anderson whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date on the 4th day of September 1893 has acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid. Given under my hand this day of September 1893
Jno. S. McClain J.P.
In the Clerk's Office of Nelson County Court September 7th 1893. This deed was this day presented in said office, duly certified and admitted to record.
Teste: W.M. Hill, Clerk