Staunton City Courthouse, Deed Book 18, p. 18
(transcribed by Sharon K. Barrett, 17 Mar 2015)
This Deed, made and entered into this 24th day of May, 1907, by and between Marie Frances Koontz, widow of John P. Koontz, decd., John Victor Koontz, and Lottie Koontz, his wife, Marie Felicia Johnson, and William T. Johnson, her husband, Amelia Rosa Walter, and Ernest Walter, her husband, the said John Victor Koontz, Marie Felicia Johnson and Amelia Rosa Walter being the only children of the said John P. Koontz, decd., parties of the first part, and Joseph W. Marston, party of the second part, Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, ($1500.00), of which the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, ($500.00), is paid cash in hand by the part of the second part to the said parties of the first part, at and before the dealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the residue of the One Thousand Dollars, ($1000), is evidenced by the four several bonds of the said party of the second part to the said Marie Frances Koontz, all bearing even date with this deed, each for the principal sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($250.00), all bearing interest from date at six per cent per annum, said interest being due and payable annually on all of the said bonds, the said bonds being due and payable respectively in one, two, three and four years from the date, and to secure the payment of which said bonds the vendor's lien is hereby expressly retained on the real estate hereafter conveyed, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part, with general warranty of title, that certain lot or parcel of land, with all buildings and improvements thereon, and all appurtenances thereto belonging, now owned by the said Marie France Koontz, John Victor Koontz, Marie Felicia Johnson and Amelia Rosa Walter, situated in the City of Staunton, on the south side of West Beverly Street, and described as No. 950. The real estate hereby conveyed passed unto the said Marie Frances Koontz, John Victor Koontz, Marie Felicia Johnson and Amelia Rosa Walter under the last will and testament of the late John P. Koontz, which will bears date on November 1887, and was duly proven and admitted to record in the Corporation Court for the City of Staunton, Va., on May 18th, 1907; and being also the same property that was conveyed unto the said John P. Koontz by William T. Rush, Executor of Robert G. Bickle, decd., by deed of date March 29th, 1889, the same being duly of record in the Clerk's Office of said Court, in Deed Book, No. 10, page 165. In said deed said lot is described as fronting on the south side of West Beverly Street about 98 feet, and runs back south west about 425 feet to the fence on the north side of a hill, which fence is supposed to be on the line; adjoins the Grove property, now owned by W.L. Ryan's estate, on the west, and the lot lately owned by B.T. Bagby on the east. Reference to said will and deed is hereby made for a further and fuller description of the real estate herein conveyed and for derivation of title thereto. It is further agreed that the party of the second part shall keep the buildings on said lot insured in some solvent Fire Insurance Company in not less than $600.00, for the benefit of the said Marie France Koontz or her heirs and assigns, until said bonds are fully paid, and on his failure to do so, the holder of the said bonds shall have the right to keep the same insured, and the costs thereof to be treated and paid as a part of the indebtedness secured under this lien. Witness the following signatures and seals this the day and date first above written.
Marie Frances Koontz (seal)
John Victor Koontz (seal)
Lottie Koontz (seal)
Marie Felicia Johnson (seal)
William T. Johnson (seal)
Ernest Walter (seal)
Amelia Rose Walter (seal)
A.N. Marvin
Witness as to Amelia Rose Walter
Ernest Walter
Wm. H. Lelar
William D. Delar
State of New York
City and County of New York ss.
I, John R.L. Sniffen a Notary Public in and for the County of New York and State of New York do hereby certify that Mary Francis Koontz, Mary Felicia Johnson and William T. Johnson whose names are signed to the writing hereto annexed bearing date on May 24th 1907, have each severally acknowledged the same before me in my county and State aforesaid. Given under my hand and Notorial Seal this 27th day of May 1907.
John R.L. Sniffen, Notary Public
No. 142, New York County
My Commission expires March 30, 1908.
State of Pennsylvania,
County of Alleghany ss.
I, A.N. Marvin, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Alleghany in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that John Victor Koontz and Lottie Koontz, his wife, whose names are signed to the writing hereto annexed, bearing date on May 24th, 1907, having each severally acknowledged the same before me in my County and State aforesaid. Given under my hand and Notorial seal this 31st day of May, 1907.
A.N. Marvin Notary Public
My Commission expires Jany 21, 1911.
State of Pennsylvania,
County of Philadelphia, to wit:
I, William D. Lelar, a Notary Public in and for the County of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that Amelia Rosa Walter and Ernest Walter, her husband, whose names are signed to the writing hereto annexed, bearing date on the 24th day of May 1907, have each severally acknowledged the same before me in my County and State aforesaid. Given under my hand and Notorial Seal this Fifth day of June 1907. My Commission expires on January 31st, 1911.
William D. Lelar Notary Public
No. 731 South 3 St. Philadelphia
Commission expires January 31, 1911.
In the Clerks Office of the Corporation Court of the City of Staunton, June 10th, 1907.
This deed from Marie Frances Koontz &c to Joseph W. Marston was this day presented in the office aforesaid and with the certificate annexed is admitted to record.
Norton Argenbright, Clk