The Will of Thomas Anderson Transcriber's Note: My connection--if any--to Thomas Anderson has not been determined. I transcribed this document because it is one of the earliest Anderson wills found in Albemarle County, Virginia and because it contains such good info about this particular Anderson line. SBK
Albemarle County, Virginia Will Book 2, p. 38-39
October 25, 1757
In the Name of God amen. I Thomas Anderson of the County of Albemarle being in a weak low condition of Body but through the abundant Goodness and mercy of God in perfect memory do Constitute and Appoint this my last will & Testament & Devise it m(a)y be rec'd by all as such. Imprimis I most Humbly bequeath my soul to God my maker beseeching his most Gracious Exceptance of it through the all sufficient mercy & meditation of my most Compassionate redeemer Jesus Christ who Gave himself to be an atoanment for my sins & is able to save to the utmost all that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them & whom I Trust will not reject me A returning penitant sinner when I come to him for mercy in this the most blessed & Glorious Trinety one God most Holy most merciful and Gracious to prepare me for the time of my Dessetation (?) & then take me to himselfe into that pease & rest & incomparable felicity which he has prepared for all that Love & fear his Holy name Amen blessed to God.
Imprimis I give my Body to the Earth from whence it was Taken in full assurance of its resurrection from thence at the Last Day as for my Burial I desire it may be Dessant without promp or state at the Deseretions of my Execut's hereafter mentioned who I Doubt not will manage it with all request prudance as my Worldly Estate I will be positively Order that all my Lawfull Debts be paid.
Item I give & bequeath to my son Charles Anderson four hundred acres of Land lying on the branches of Fishpond Creek Joyning Peter Brooks lines & Joseph Dabbses(?) lines to him & his heirs forever.
Item I Give & bequeath to my son Gideon Anderson three hundred acres of Land on where my Plantation is that I now live to be Laid off in a regular form to him and his Heirs forever my Will & Desire is that the remainder part of my Land m(a)y be equally Divided Amongst my four Youngest Children, William, David, Micajah & Judah Anderson & the Eldest take the first choice which I Give & bequeath to him & his Heirs forever.
Item I Give & bequeath to William Cornwell (?) the Tract of Land whereon he now Lives supposing to be Eighty or ninety acres to a new line from Chamberlaynes line to Thomas Lockaths line to him & the Heirs of his Body Lawfully begotten forever.
Item I Give and bequesth to my Daughter Ann Allen the Increase of her Negro wench Hannah to her & her Heirs forever.
Item I Give & bequeath to my Daughter Francis Hughes one Negro man named Coopper to her & Heirs forever.
Item I Give & bequeath to my Children Thomas Anderson James Anderson Susanah Williams Elizabeth Woodson & Agness Leak one shilling sterling apiece my Will is that after my Lawfull Debts are paid that the remainder part of my Estate be kept together under the Care of my son William Anderson & that he may take Care of my Young Children & provide for them a suitable mentenence & to have a reasonable allowance for the same & that David Anderson may have a share in each crop if he thinks propper to Tarry with him and that the Family have liberty to Tarry on my said Plantation till they can settle their own my Will is that my sons Charles Gideon & William Anderson be Execter's of this my last Will & Testament & I Desire my Estate m(a)y not be appraise'd. In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 25 Day of October one thousand seven hundred & fifty seven.
Thomas Anderson (seal)
John Gannaway Jun'r
John Gannaway sener
Roger Williams
At a Court held for Albemarle County the ninth Day of March 1758 This Last Will and Testament was presented to Court by the Executors therein named and Proved by the oaths of John Gannaway & Roger Williams two of the witnesses thereto & Ordered to be recorded & on the motion of Charles Anderson Gideon Anderson & William Anderson who made oath according to Law Certificate is Granted them for obtaining a probat thereof in due form Giving securety whereupon they with John Gannaway their securety entered into & Acknowledged their Bond for the due & faithful performance of the said Will.
John Nicholas, Clk