Will of John Fitzpatrick
July 1, 1812
Probated September 25, 1815
Nelson County Will Book A, p. 356-358
In the Name of God Amen, I John Fitzpatrick of Nelson County being weak in body but of Sound mind and Memory, blessed be god for the same, do Make and Publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form Following that is to say--
First, I Give and bequeath to my Dear & Loving Wife, Frances Fitzpatrick During her Natural life all the Land I now possess also 7 Negroes that is to Say, Hanna, Jack, Harkelus, Aggey, Peter, Sarah and young Harkelus, With all my stock of every Kind, with all my Household & Kitchen furniture and plantation Tools, Cart and Oxen.
Item, I give and Devise to my Eldest Son Thomas Fitzpatrick All the personal Estate he has received of me. Also a Negro Boy naimed Charles which he now has to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item, I Give and Devise to my Second Son John E. Fitzpatrick all the personal Estate he has received of me. Also a Negro Boy Naimed Cleton (?) to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item, I Give and Devise to my Eldest Daughter Betsy Hughes All the Personal Estate She has received of me. Also a Negro Boy Naimed Nathan to her and her heirs for Ever.
Item, I give and devise to my third Son Alexander Fitzpatrick All the Personal property he has received of me. Also fifty Pounds I paid for a Negro girl Bought out of the Estate of my Brother William Fitzpatrick Naimed Frank which Said Negro I give to him and His heirs for Ever.
Item, I give and Devise to my Second Daughter Sally B. Bradford all the personal Estate She has received of me. Also a Negro boy Naimed Brootis to her and her heirs for Ever. I understand the said Negro is dec'd. (This line is written but has a line through it.--SBK)
Item, I Give and Devise to my Third Daughter Jinney Hughes All the personal Estate She has received of me. Also a Negro boy naimed Gabriel to her and her heirs for Ever.
Item, I Give and Devise to my fourth Son William Fitzpatrick all the Personal Estate he has Had of me. Also a Negro Boy Naimed Lewis to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item, I Give and Devise to my fourth Daughter Frances Witt all the personal property She has Received of me. Also 50 Dollars to buy her a Horse If I Doe not furnish Her otherwise. Also a Negro Girl Naimed Betts and Increase to her and her heirs For Ever.
Item, I Give and Devise to my fifth Son James Fitzpatrick one Horse bridle & saddle or 65 Dollars in place of them. Also one featherbed and Firneture and beadstead and Codrd that to be at the Discretion of my loving Wife as All the rest had theirs. Also a Cow & Calf Son and Piggs one Trunk, 1/2 Dozen of Cheirs with other things such as I gave my other Children that to be at his Mother's Discretion as She knows what She gave all the rest making all Equal. Also a Negro boy Naimed George to him and his Heirs for Ever.
Item, after the Death of my loving Wife Frances Fitzpatrick and all my Just Debts paid, My Will and Desire is that my land and Stock of all kinds and Said 7 Negroes & Incrase that was Left to my Wife during her lifetime with Every Property She may Die Possessing be Sold at Twelve Months Creadit and the money Arising From Said Sail to Be Equally Divided Between my Children Viz Thomas, John E, Betsy, Alexander, Salley, Jenney, William, Frances and James, to them and their heirs for Ever.
Lastly I Appoint my loving wife Frances Fitzpatrick Executrix and my Sons Thomas & James Fitzpatrick Executors of this my last will and Testament, Hereby Revoking any other will Acknowledging this Also to be my last will in Testimoney whereof I have Hereunto set my hand and Affixed my Seal this First Day of July in the year of our lord God 1812.
Signed Sealed Published
And Declared in Presence of
Moses Fitzpatrick John Fitzpatrick (seal)
Thos. Fitzpatrick
James Woods
Codisal to the foregoing Will Viz. It is my desire that at my wife's death, that part of the said estate which would be coming to my daughter Salley B. Bradford shall Remain in the hands of my Executors for the Benefit and Support of the Said Salley B. Bradford and her Heirs at her death. Also, the fifty dollars left to purchase a horse for Frances Witt I now recall having heretofore otherwise furnished her. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 27th day of August 1815.
Signed Sealed John Fitzpatrick (seal)
In presence of us
James Woods
At a Court held for Nelson County the 25th day of September 1815
This Instrument of Writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of John Fitzpatrick dec'd was produced into Court and proved by the oaths of Moses Fitzpatrick and James Woods two subscribing Witnesses. Hereto and ordered to be recorded and the Codicil thereto annex (?) prove by James Woods a Witness thereto and the same is ordered to lie for further proof.
Spotswood Garland, Ck.