John Franklin Barrett
June 27, 1854-July 11, 1910
Allegheny, Pennsylvania
"John F. Barrett, aged 56 years died suddenly at his home in Brackenridge Heights at 12:15 o’clock this morning. Mr. Barrett was born in Armstrong county June 27, 1854, and was one of a family of nine children. Fifteen years ago, he moved with his family from Armstrong county to Natrona, where he worked for several years for the Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Company. A few months ago he moved to Brackenridge Heights, being employed in the Allegheny steel plant. He is survived by his widow and eight children, four sons and four daughters, also two brothers and one sister. Funeral services will be held from his late residence Wednesday, July 13th, at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. Murdock. Interment in Prospect cemetery."
"J. F. Barrett died July 11, at his late home in Brakenridge Heights, aged 56 years. Until recently the family resided in Natrona, coming here from Armstrong county 15 years ago. Deceased leaves a widow, four sons and four daughters, two brothers and one sister. Services were held at the late residence Wednesday, at 2 pm, conducted by Rev. C. T. Murdock, followed by interment in Prospect cemetery."