Simon – July 8, 2007

Simon spent the day with his GrandMeowm & GrandPaw. I went over for a quick visit this evening and to take them another can of kitten food. Of course I had to take my camera along.

Simon was having a blast on their open, hardwood floors — running and playing with toys, sliding into things and never slowing down. According to his GrandMeowm, he’d been going strong for nearly four hours, but shortly after I got there he started winding down. It’s rare to see him still these days, so I took advantage of the situation and snapped a few pictures.

At 9-weeks old, he seems to be getting away from the long, deep sleep of baby kittenhood. Just minutes after I took the last picture, he was up and playing again!

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2 Responses to Simon – July 8, 2007

  1. kaye says:

    Such a cutie pie!!!

    Looking at Simon now, it’s hard to believe that, not too very long ago, he had stubby little “lion cub” ears. 🙂

  2. KarenH says:

    Oh, my goodness, look how BIG he is already! He can’t be 9 weeks old, can he? Wasn’t he just a wee boy, like, a minute ago? With the stubby cub ears, like Kaye said? LOL

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