Mother's Prayer
Fresh from the Heart of God;
Borne on the wings of love;
I see the Mystery
Reflecting in your eyes.
Time-traveler from inner-space;
With awe, I touch your face.
Just like the angel's dreams--
So innocent, yet wise....
Oh Lord, You've entrusted
A spark of Yourself
To this earthly guardian mother
That I be.
Oh Lord, grant me wisdom
And help me to see
That the child that I hold
Belongs to You, not me.
Heaven-sent and Heaven-bound;
Life's a circle, going 'round.
Dear one, our journey's end
Is where we all begin.
Just let the Father guide your way
So that you will never stray.
Dear Lord, please guide me, too
As we travel back to you!
Oh Lord, You've entrusted
A spark of Yourself
To this earthly guardian mother
That You see.
Oh Lord, make me loving
And help me to be
A reflection of Your Light
Each time this baby looks at me;
For the child that I hold
Belongs to You, not me.
© SBK 1991