Thomas & Margarett Bowen to John W. Anderson, 1883

Nelson County Deed Book 22, p. 159-160
May 15, 1883

This Indenture made and entered into this the 15th day of May in the year of our Lord 1883 between Thos. C. Bowen and Margarett L. his wife of the County of Albemarle & State of Virginia of the one part, and Jno. W. Anderson of the County of Nelson and State of Virginia of the other part. Witnesseth: that the said Thos. C. Bown and Margarett L. his wife for and in consideration of the sum of $600 to them in hand paid by the said John W. Anderson the receipt whereof acknowledged have granted, bargained & sold, and by these presents to grant bargain sell, aliece enfeof (?) to confirm unto the said John W. Anderson & his heirs forever, all of that tract or parcel of land purchased by said Bowen from John B. Spliece Trustee, being sold for the benefit of Jacob Killian lying and being in the County of Nelson containing about 45 acres be the same more or less, this sale being by the lump and not by the acre, and adjoining the lands of Wm. B. Smith to the Fox Estate, and bounded by the road leading from Avon to Nelson C.H. and thence by the road leading from Anderson Shop to Batesville until it reaches Wm. B. Smith’s line, thence to the beginning. To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him and his heirs forever, and the said Thos. C. Bowen & Margarett L. his wife do for themselves, their heirs, Executors & Adminstrators, warrant and forever defend the aforesaid tract or parcel of land, unto him the said John W. Anderson and his heirs forever free from the claim or claims of all & every person or persons whatever in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day and year first written above.

Thos. L. Bowen (seal)

Margarett L. Bowen (seal)

State of Virginia

Albemarle County to wit:

I, William L. Wallace a Notary Public for the County and State aforesaid do certify that Thos. C. Bowen whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date the 15tday of May 1883 personally appeared before me in the County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed. I further certify that Mrs. Margarett L. Bowen, the wife of Thos. C. Bowen whose name is signed to the above writing bearing date the 15th day of May 1883 personally appeared before me in the County aforesaid, and being Examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the writing aforesaid fully explained to her, she the said Margarett L. Bowen acknowledged the said writing to be her act and declared that she had willingly executed the same and does not wish to retract it. Given under my hand this 15th day of May 1883.

W. L. Wallace, N.P.

In the Clerks Office of Nelson County Court June 25th 1883. This deed was this day presented in said office, and being duly certified by a Notary Public for the County of Albemarle is admitted to record.


W. M. Hill, Clerk

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