Thomas & Lucy Carr to Alexander Colvin, 1791

Albemarle County Deed Book 10, p. 136

This Indenture Made this tenth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Ninety one, between Thomas Carr & his wife Lucy Carr of Albemarle County of the one part, & Alexander Colvin of the said County of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy five pounds of Virginia Current Money to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof the said Thomas Carr doth hereby acknowledge, hath Given, Granted, bargained, Sold, Enfe offed? & Confirm & by these presents doth Give, Grant bargain, sell, enfe off? & Confirm to the said Alexander Colvin, one Certain tract or parcel of land, Containing by a Survey One hundred Acres, lying & being in the County of Albemarle, & a part of a tract belonging to the said Thomas Carr known by the name of Centers Tract, and bounded as follows (to wit)

Beginning at a White oak near a branch in Col. Lewis’s line, running along said line South Twenty six Degrees west, thirty one poles to a Gum. Thence south fourteen degrees West Seventy poles to pointers, thence South Sixty degrees West, forty eight poles to a pine in Charles Barnetts line. Thence along said line North Seventy five degrees west one hundred & two poles to a pine on Hawkins’s line. Thence North four degrees west twenty five poles to a pine thence north thirty three degrees East Sixty poles to pointers. Thence North fifteen degrees west fifty poles to pointers. Thence South eighty degrees east one hundred & forty nine poles being the deviding line between said Carr & Colvin.

To have and to hold, occupy & enjoy the said land & premises, with all houses, Orchards, Woods & every of the Conveniences & Appertenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining, to the sole use & behoof? of him the said Alexander Colvin his heirs & assigns forever without the least hindrance or Molestation of him the said Thomas Carr or Lucy his wife, their heirs, or any other person whatever, And the said Thomas Carr & Lucy his wife do hereby oblige themselves, their heirs, Executors or Administrators to warrant & forever defend a Good & Lawful right in free simple? In the said one hundred acres of land, with all its appertenances to him the said Alexander Colvin, against the Claim of him the said Thomas Carr or Lucy his wife, their heirs, Executors, administrators or assigns, or any other person or person whatsoever.

In Witness whereof the said Thomas Carr & Lucy Car hath hereunto set their hands & affect their seals, the day & year above written.

Signed, Sealed & delivered

in the presence of

Thomas Carr (seal)

Lucy Carr (seal)

Received this 10th day of February 1791 of Alexander Colvin the sum of Seventy five pounds Current of Virginia, being full Satisfaction to us & the sum Covenanted for with him for the wither bounded one hundred acres of land.

Thomas Carr

Lucy Carr

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