Tag Archives: Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau – Set Design

Three Advanced Art students worked together to create a “set” or tableau with an Art Nouveau theme. Using a mannequin we had in the classroom, they developed clothing, props, and a backdrop similar in style to the work of Alphonse … Continue reading

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Art Nouveau – “Etched” Vase Designs

We were able to obtain a partial roll of translucent light gray window film–the type that sign makers use to create “etched” or “frosted” designs on windows and doors. Students created a design, transferred it to the film, and then … Continue reading

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Art Nouveau – Cut Paper Design

Students could choose to create a high contrast design by cutting and pasting paper. Amazingly, this student cut out her design in one piece!!

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Art Nouveau – Typeface Designs

Students were challenged to create an original typeface design.

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Art Nouveau – Ink Drawings

Students studied some of the work of artist Aubrey Beardsley–noting his use of shading techniques and his use of contrast–before exploring their own artistic possibilities in ink.

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Art Nouveau – Student Choice Projects

Students were introduced to a variety of art and artwork of the period, and from there they decided on a project that was somehow influenced by the work they’d viewed and researched. In addition to the art production part of … Continue reading

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Art Nouveau

Over the years when I used the Art Nouveau period as a unit of study, students were inspired to create original artwork based on their knowledge of–or reaction to–the prominent artists and artwork of this artistic era. At times I … Continue reading

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