Tag Archives: Art Education
Altered Books
Using old hardcover books that were going to be discarded, images from the internet, one purchased book, and a variety of odd materials I had in the art room–X-acto knives, glue, binder clips, markers, magazines, tape, a drill, ribbon, fabric, … Continue reading
Children’s Cloth of Many Colors
The Children’s Cloth of Many Colors was a project inspired by a peace event in the Secretary of the Army’s conference room at the Pentagon, September 22, 2000. This project was modeled after a “peace cloth” which was over a … Continue reading
Sacred Circles: Tibetan Mandala
During the first offering of “Sacred Circles,” it was our incredible good fortune to discover that a local art museum was hosting an exhibit entitled “The Mystical Arts of Tibet.” Also, Tibetan monks from the Drepung Loseling Monastery were at … Continue reading
Sacred Circles: More Student Mandalas
These mandalas were created using Prismacolor pencils on 9×9-inch Tru-Ray black construction paper. Students could choose their designs, and their primary goal was to achieve a luminous effect in their artwork. To prepare, they worked through many exercises in Judith … Continue reading
Sacred Circles: Circular Art and Mandalas
As part of the “Sacred Circles” course, students created circular designs and mandalas using Prismacolor pencils.
Sacred Circles: Illuminated Hands
As part of the “Sacred Circles” unit, students worked on exercises in Judith Cornell’s book, “Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing.” I highly recommend this book, and the exercises in it are progressive in nature, helping students acquire specific technical skills. While meditations accompany … Continue reading
1000 Cranes for Peace
In response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, students at my small, private school resolved to make 1000 paper cranes to commemorate the innocent lives lost and to honor all those who rescued, served, and helped. Many students wrote … Continue reading
Oaxacan-Style Paintings
At the conclusion of the Art 1 unit on Color Theory, students were introduced to the colorful and whimsical sculptures of Oaxaca, Mexico. In response, they created acrylic paintings in the style of the sculptures.
Book Illustration Project
Advanced Art students were asked to create an illustration for one of their favorite books. Ideally, it would be a book which had NOT (yet) been made into a movie. They could choose their medium, as well as any scene … Continue reading
Advanced Art Choice Projects
Advanced Art students were given the opportunity to create “free choice” portfolio-quality artwork during a semester. They could choose their media, choose to focus on one piece, choose to do a series of works, or choose to work experimentally. Charcoal … Continue reading