We used Mask-Ease for most of our screen printing projects, but we also used printer transparency film to create reusable stencils. In addition to being reusable (unlike the Mask-Ease which had to be removed from the screen and discarded after each printing session), a transparency also allowed students to directly transfer a design onto the film (via a computer and printer) before cutting it.
Of course these transparencies are now “old-school technology” (does anyone even remember overhead projectors??) and it’s not as affordable as it was when I initially introduced this as a project option. The transparencies can also be a little tricky to work with since they don’t have adhesive to hold them onto the screen before printing.
But all that said, with careful cutting and planning, this material opened up another interesting way to do screen printing. This became the favorite “choice” project for one of my students who created all of the pieces below.
The Stencils:

The Prints:

Taylor B., Class of 2012