Samuel W. Anderson to Walter Anderson, 1811

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A very interesting letter written to Walter Anderson by his father, Samuel, has been preserved. It is printed in its entirety:

Addressed to:
Mr. Walter Anderson
near Lincoln County
c/o John Blaine
Stanford, Lincoln Co., Kentucky
William A. Luckie Post Office

Lyon’s Post Office 17th of August
Paid 25 cents with dispatch

Rich Cove
Aug. 17, 1811

Dear Son:

I wrote you by Mr. Anderson in June, but I have had no answer. I wrote again by post hoping this letter would find you & all your family in good health both body & mind. My family & your brothers are middling well, at present. But John has cut his foot, I understand. I am but poorly myself at present, but praise God for his great mercy to me. I am pressing forward to mark the high calling of Christ my Lord and Savor (sic), hoping you & yours are doing the same. Thru grace we seem to have a revival of religion. Your sister Jane has gained in religion & your cousin Jane Bailey has joined the Baptists & has been baptized & much more. All your friends are well, I believe. Old George Blaine is deceased. I expect John Blaine will move this fall or in the spring for he has sold his land to his bro. Alexander.

Dear Son, I want your brother William to come here this fall for I am no abel(sic) to do my business. I want him to go to school this winter so that he can do my riding for I can’t ride much as I am very weakly. I long to hear from your all. I long to hear from your all.

We have likely crops of corn, at present. I made a medling(sic) good crop of wheat. I hope you will send a good gentil(sic) horse by William since it will be for him at my death. Don’t fail to send him for I want to see him very much. I have sent him five dollars in silver. Make up what is necessary to send him & I will send the difference by George Blaine. I don’t want a very large horse – about four feet nine inches – well made, easy pace & gentil(sic) geared kind. Love to you & family, I still remain, your loving father.

till death fare well

Samuel W. Anderson

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