Samuel W. Anderson to John Anderson, 1808

Nelson County, VA Deed Book 1, pp. 282-283

This indenture made the Ninth day of August Eighteen hundred and Eight Between Samuel Anderson of the County of Albemarle of the one part and John Anderson of the County of Nelson of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Samuel Anderson for the love and affection he bears to his said Son John Anderson and more especially in consideration of one dollar to him the said Samuel Anderson in hand paid by the said John Anderson the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath given, granted, bargained and Sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said John Anderson and to his heirs and assigns forever, one certain tract or parcel of Land, lying and being in the county of Nelson on the waters of Hiccory Creek Containing one hundred and twenty acres by patent bearing date the Tenth day of July Eighteen hundred and two, granted to the said Samuel Anderson, and is bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at pointers corner to Perrin Farrar, dec’d, and George Blain, and with the said Blain’s line N34 E50 poles to pointers, thence a new line N29 E92 poles to a Chestnut Oak in said Blain’s line and with his line N66 poles to a chestnut oak, N19 E25 poles to a read oak sapling, N2 E72 poles to two Chestnut oaks, N33 E34 poles to pointers N2 W20 poles to a Spanish oak, N18 E28 poles to pointers, E16 poles to pointers, N28 E24 poles to a Hiccory, N60 E56 poles to pointers Corner to Samuel Anderson, and John Bailey, and with their lines N45 W34 poles to pointer, S73 W22 poles to a Chestnut oak, S43 W32 poles to a Chestnut, S62 W12 poles to a read oak corner to Samuel Perkins and with his line S33 W52 poles to pointers, S7 W53 poles to a read oak Corner to Perrin Farrar dec’d and with his line S9 W325 poles to the beginning with all its appurtenances. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land and premises with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said John Anderson and to his heirs and assigns forever, and the said Samuel Anderson for himself his heirs Executors and administrators doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said John Anderson his heirs and assigns that he the said Samuel Anderson the before mentioned Land and premises with all its appurtenances unto the said John Anderson his heirs and assigns against the claim of all persons whatsoever Claiming by, from or under him shall and will warrant and by these presents forever defend. In witness whereof the said Samuel Anderson hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.

Samuel Anderson (SEAL)

Signed sealed and delivered

In presence of these

James Lyon

Thomas Thurmond

Terrisha Bailey

At a Court held for Nelson County the 26th day of September 1808

This Deed was proved in Court by the oaths of James Lyon and Thomas Thurmond two subscribing witnesses and ordered to lie for further proof, and at a Court held for the same County the 28th day of January 1811 This Deed was further proved by the oath of Terisha Bailey a third witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.


S. Garland, CK

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