Samuel W. Anderson (et al) to James Thurmond, 1815

Nelson County Deed Book 2, p. 336-337

Know all men by these presents that Samuel Anderson, sons Walter Anderson, John Anderson, Samuel Anderson, Jun., and William H. Anderson and Susannah Anderson and Jane Anderson of the one part, hath contracted, bargained, and sold one hundred acres of Land unto James Thurmond for and in the consideration of the sum of Three Hundred and Thirty three dollars and two thirds, it being and lying in the County of Nelson and State of Virginia on the waters of the Rich Cove Creek, bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at a red Oak saplin, formerly on Benj’n Moors Line, South forty degrees E. one hundred and Twenty eight Poles to white Oak in said Moors line, thence North(?) forty degrees West one hundred and forty five poles to pointers thence North Twenty four degrees West one hundred and fifty three poles to pointers, North forty ? degrees East one hundred poles to the beginning. We the above named do warrant and defend the Land against all and every other person or persons whatever Claiming by or ? as —every other way whatever unto James Thurmond, his heirs and ? forever. In Testimony whereof we have unto hereunto set our hands and seals the Twenty first day of October One Thousand eight hundred and fifteen in presence of:

? Thurmond
Thomas Nally
Bennett Nally

Samuel Anderson Sen’r (seal)
Walter Anderson (seal)
John Anderson (seal)
Samuel Anderson jr (seal)
William H. Anderson (seal)
Susanna Anderson (seal)
Jane Anderson (seal)

At a Court held for Nelson County the 22nd? Day of January 1816 This Indenture. ?, Bargain and Sale was –duced into Court and proved by the Oaths of John T.? Thurmond, Thomas Nally and Bennett Nally subscribing witnesses hereto and ordered to be recorded.

Teste: Spotswood Garland, Ck

(Transcriber’s Note: deed is very faded and print is small)

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