Rodes, Sarah P. (1866)

The Will of

Sarah P. Rodes


Albemarle County, Virginia

Will Book 28, p. 24

I, Sarah P. Rodes, being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following. Viz.

I give and bequeath to my son James E. Rodes the sum of seventy five dollars per year with interest thereon for year year from my husband’s death until my death; which the before mentioned James E. Rodes has obligated himself to pay towards my support. I desire all of my just debts to be paid by my Executor. I also bequeath to my daughter, Cynthia A. McClun, her heirs and assigns all of my remaining property of every kind whatsoever: bonds, legacies, monies owing to me and everything I possess at my death.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty third day of November one Thousand eight hundred and sixty six.

Sarah P. -X- Rodes (seal)


Nicholas Black

William Black

John L Wallace

At a Court held for Albemarle County 4th March 1867.

This last will & testament of Sarah P Rhodes dec’d was this day produced into Court & proved by William Black & John L Wallace, two subscribing witnesses hereto, and therefore ordered to be recorded.

Teste: Ira Garrett C.C.

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