Rodes, John (1804)

The Will of

John Rodes


Albemarle County, Virginia

Will Book 5, p. 75

In the name of God amen, I John Rodes of the County of Albemarle being in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament. Imprimis: I give to my son Robert Rodes three negroes Major, Janny & Aron to my daughter Henrietta three negroes Patty, William & Bolley to my daughter Anna three negroes Patience, Nanny & armisted, to my son John Rodes three negroes Gabriel, Bob & Bettey to my son Clifton Rodes three negroes July, Sherwood (son of Bettey) and Sherwood (son of Hannah) also the tract of land whereon he now lives which I purchased of Wallace and Gooch to my son Tyree Rodes three negroes Isaac, Ann & ChitoV. Hastings. Also to my Daughter Sally Harris three negroes Milly, Elijah & Susanna. I give these negroes to my Children as before stated including their present and future Increases to them and their heirs forever.

It is my will & desire that the said land whereon I now live including all the lands that I have bought or precured adjoining the same shall be sold by my executors and the money arising from the sales of the said land to be divided as followeth: One third thereof to my daughter Henrietta and one third thereof to my daughter Sally Harris and the remaining one third thereof be put to Interest and equally divided among the children of my daughter Anna to be paid to them individually as they become of age or get married.

It is my will and desire that all the rest of my estate not heretofore disposed of to be equally divided among all my children to wit: Robert, Henrietta, John, Clifton, Tyree, Sally Harris and Anna the sale or parcel of property or money arising therefrom to my daughter Anna. It is my will & desire that —- of my property be sold and turned into money & the money my executors will put to interest until the children of Anna Garth each or either of them should get married or come of age and then they may individually possess their part or All. It is my will and desire that there shall be no appraisements of my estate. I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons John & Clifton Rodes & Burrus Brown executors to this my last will and testament revoking all other wills. In witness whereof I do hereby acknowledge this my last will and testament this 6th day of July 1804.

P.S. It is my will and desire that all the property both real & personal here above given shall be to them and their heirs forever.

John Rodes (seal)

Signed & sealed in the presence of


Robt McCullock

Elizabeth Garth

Thomas H Brown

Micajah Woods

At a Court held for Albemarle County the 6th August 1810

This instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of John Rodes deceased was produced into Court and proved by the oaths of Matthew Rodes & Robert McCullock two of the subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded.

Teste: John Nicholas Clk

Transcriber’s Note: I photographed this will through a plastic covering. Words were faded in various places and it was difficult to read. Still, this John Rodes thoroughly lists his children. SKB

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