Rodes, Charles P. (1842)

The Will of

Charles P. Rodes

December 1842

Nelson County, Virginia

Will Book M, p. 168

In the name of God Amen. I Charles P. Rodes of the county of Nelson and State of Virginia bring in the enjoyment of health and understanding but calling to mind the uncertainty of life do make this my last will and testament.

First and principally I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently buried and as to such worldly possessions and effects with which it has pleased God to bless me I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Ann N. Rodes in the first place I give and devise to said wife Ann N. Rodes all my stock of every description my household and kitchen furniture my wagons and gear plantation tools and utensils money all debts owing to me the crop growing on my land the year of my death to dispose of as she may see proper and all other perishable property not mentioned above.

Secondly I will and bequeath to my wife Ann N. Rodes my servants and all other property that I may own as her own absolute property while she lives and to dispose of as she may see good at her death.

Thirdly I will and bequeath to my said wife Ann N. Rodes the land on which I reside during her life, after her death I will and bequeath said lands to my niece Emily Jane Knight.

Fourthly I will and bequeath my interest in the estate of Thomas Hopkins deceased of Tennessee to my said wife Ann N. Rodes to dispose of as she may see good at her death.

As witness my hand and seal this 5th December one thousand eight hundred and forty two.

Charles P. Rodes


J. Addison Waddel

John B. Coles

Wm H. Goodwin

I also will and bequeath to my said wife Ann N. Rodes the land I bought of Charles Hannon and wife Ann Hannon to dispose of as she may choose to do.

Charles P. Rhodes

At a Court held for Nelson County the 22nd day of February 1864.

This Instrument of writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament (with a codicil thereto amended) of Charles P. Rodes dec’d was produced in court and proved by the oaths of John B. Coles and William H. Goodwin two subscribing witnesses thereto, and there being no subscribing witness to the codicil, John B. Coles and Wm. H. Goodwin aforesaid were sworn and severally deposed, that they are well acquainted with the testator’s hand writing, and verily believe the said codicil thereto annexed and the name thereto subscribed, to be wholly written by the Testator’s own hand, whereupon the said instrument of writing, with the codicil thereto annexed is ordered to be recorded as the true last Will and Testament of the said Charles P. Rodes dec’d. And a second detached Codicil being presented was rejected by the court for the reason that the body of the said detached codicil is not in the hand writing of the said Chas. P. Rodes, nor are there any subscribing witnesses thereto.

And at a Court held for Nelson County the 28th day of March 1864.

On the motion of Ann N. Rodes, widow and relict (?) of Charles P. Rhodes dec’d, whose will has heretofore been recorded in this court and in which no Executor was named, who made oath and together with Wm. H. Goodwin her security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the in the penalty of $12,000 (?) conditioned as according to law. Certificate is granted the said Ann N. Rodes for obtaining letters of administration on the Estate of the said deceased with his will aforesaid annexed in due form.


S. H. Loving, Clk

Know all men by these presents that we Ann N. Rodes and William H. Goodwin are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Virginia in the just and full sum of Sixty Thousand dollars, current money, to the payment whereof well and truly to be made. We bind ourselves and each of us and each of our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 28th day of March 1864.

The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Ann N. Rodes to whom certificate hath been this day granted by the County Court of Nelson County for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of Charles P. Rodes dec’d with his will annexed shall dutifully discharge the the duties of her said office or trust, then the above obligation to be — otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.

Ann N. Rodes (seal)

Wm H. Goodwin (seal)

At a Court held for Nelson County the 28th day of March 1864 this Bond was executed and acknowledged in open court by the parties thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Teste: S. H. Loving, Clk

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