Rhodes, William (1744, Orange County, Virginia)

The Will of William Rhodes
Orange County, Virginia
Will Book 1, Pages 313-315

Transcribed by Sharon K Barrett

In the name of God amen, I William Rhodes of the parish of St. Thomas in the County of Orang being Sick & week of Body But of a Sound & perfect Memory praise be to God for the same, do Here make & ordain my Last will & Testament in writing as followeth –

Imprimis – I Give & bequeath my Soul to God that Gave it in Hopes to receive ye Same again at ye resurrection at ye Great Day and my Body to the Earth to be buryed in a Decent manner According to ye Discretion of my Executors Hereafter named.

Item – I Give and Bequeath to my Beloved wife the Old Mair to Dispose of as She thinks proper for Ever.
Item – I Give & Bequeath to my Eldest Son William one young Bay Horse for Ever.
Item – I Give & bequeath to my Son John one Bay mair Colt for Ever.
Item – I Give & bequeath to my son Christopher on Gray Horse Colt for Ever.
Item – I Give & Bequeath to my said Wife all my Movables Goods & Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me During her widowhood & then to be Equally Divided Between my wife & my Son William & John & Christopher Hezekiah & Benjamin & I Do hereby Constitute & Appoint my Said wife and my Son William to be Executors of This my Last will and Testament & I do hereby disannull and make Void all other former wills & Legacys Whatever This 8th Day of December And in the year of our Lord 1743.

William Rhodes (Seal)

Sign’d Seal’d in presents of us
Wm Bell
D Bohannon
John Bohannon

At a Court held for Orange County on Thursday the 26th Day of April 1744

The Last will and Testament of William Rhodes being Presented Into Court by Hannah Rhodes & Wm Rhodes Ex’rs therein Named & proved by the Oathes of Wm Bell & Dunkin Bohannon two of the witnesses thereto who also made Oath that they saw John Bohannon Subscribe the same as a Witness and the said Hannah and Wm Rhodes Having entered into Bond with Timothy Crosthwait & Wm McDonagh their Securities for Due upon of Willis Probates granted in Due form.

Jonath Gibson Cl Cur

Know all men by these Presents that we Hannah Rhodes Wm Rhodes Timothy Crosthwait Wm McDonagh are held firmly bound unto Thos Chew (?) Gent First Justice in Commission the Just sum of one hundred Pounds Cur money of Virg’a to the which Payment well & truly to be Made & Done we joyntly & Severally Bind us & each of every of us our each & every of our heirs Admin’rs & Assigns firmly by these Presents Sealed with our Seals & Dated this 26th Day of April 1744.

The Condition of the Above Obligation is such that of the Above named Hannah Rhodes & Wm Rhodes Ex’rs Appointed & Named in ye Last will & Testament of Wm Rhodes do well of faithfull Execute in all manners Directed by the Said will as pay and Discharge all Just Debts due by the Testator as all Legacies as Bequests in the said will Mentioned Then the Above Obligation to be Void otherwise to Remain in Full force & Vertue In Law.

Hannah X Rhodes (her mark) (seal)
Wm X Rhodes (his mark) (seal)
Tim Crosthwait (seal)

Signed Sealed & Delivered
Wm Hughes

At a Court held for Orange County on Thursday the 26th Day of April 1744–
Hannah Rhodes Wm Rhodes Tim-y Crosthwait Wm McDonagh Acknowledged this their Bond in Open Court for the said Hannah Rhodes & Wm Rhodes true and faithfully Admin (?) of all & Singular the Estate of Wm Rhodes Dec’d which was Admitted to Record.

Jonath Gibson Cl Cur

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