Rhodes & Oliver to Their Anderson Nephews, 1878

Nelson County Deed Book 10, p. 177-178
April 16, 1878

This deed made and entered into this 15th day of April in the year eighteen hundred and seventy eight between Eliza M. Rodes, Mary M. Rodes, and T.A. Oliver (a widow) formerly T.A. Rodes, of Nelson County and state of Virginia of the one part, and their nephews James T. Anderson, Willard O. Anderson, and Samuel M. Anderson of the said county, of the other part, who are all under lawful age, and are the children of their sister Sarah Jane Anderson dec’d (formerly Sarah Jane Rodes) who in her life time was the wife [of] John W. Anderson of the same county. Witnesseth that the said Eliza M. Rodes, Mary M. Rodes, and T. A. Oliver, being actuated by motion of prudence, generosity, and natural Justice and for and consideration of the natural love and affection which they bear to their said nephews, and the further consideration of One hundred and six dollars to them in hand paid by said John W. Anderson (the father of said children) al and before the sealing and delivery of these presents for his said children; have given, granted, sold and confirmed, and by these presents, do give, grant, sell and confirm unto their said nephews, their heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land and all its appurtenances, lying and being in the said County of Nelson, in the neighborhood of Rockfish Depot, adjoining the lands of John Harris, Thomas S. Berry and others, and containing about one hundred and forty three acres (more or less) being the same tract of land once owned by Robert P. Rodes, the father of said Eliza M. Rodes, Mary M. Rodes, and T.A. Oliver, (except about fourteen acres which they have sold off), and which tract of land was sold for his debt, under a decree of the court, and bought by his said three daughters; and which said gift, grant and sale now made by them is subject to the reserve, which is, that they retain to themselves a life estate in the said tract of land and appurtenances, together with all the rights and privileges incident to a life estate, both at law, and in equity.

And the said Eliza M. Rodes, Mary M. Rodes, and T.A. Oliver, for themselves, their heirs & c, the said tract of land and its appurtenances unto the said James T. Anderson, Willard O. Anderson and Samuel M. Anderson, their heirs & c, free from the claim or claims of them the said Eliza M. Rodes, Mary M. Rodes, and T.A. Oliver, and of all and every person and person and persons, will warrant, and forever defend by these presents, except the said life estate, which is distinctly understood to be retain by them as a fair aid.

In witnesseth whereof, the said Eliza M. Rodes, Mary M. Rodes, & T.A. Oliver hereunto set their hands and affix the following seals.

Eliza M. Rhoades (seal)

Mary M. Rhoades (seal)

T. A. Oliver (seal)

Nelson Co. to wit:

This day personally appeared before me Hudson Martin, a J. P for said County, Eliza M. Rhodes, Mary M. Rodes and T.A. Oliver whose names are signed to the foregoing deed, bearing date April 15, 1878, and after having said deed fully explained to them acknowledged the same to be their act and deed. Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of April 1878.

Hudson Martin, J.P. (seal)

At a County Court begun and held for Nelson County at the Courthouse thereof on Monday May 28th, 1878. A deed of gift from Eliza M. Rodes to James T. Anderson &c, was this day returned into Court and being duly certified is ordered to be recorded.

Teste: W. M. Hill, Clerk

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