Pearson, Robert (1805)

The Will of Robert Pearson
Orange County, Virginia
Will Book 4, Page 303-307

The last will and testament of Robert Pearson of Orange County, Virginia.

Item I give to my son John Pearson one hundred dollars cash to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item I give to my two grandchildren Phelisha Ansell and Edward Ansell one negro girl by the name of Nan and now living with Robert Ansell, and I also give fifty pounds cash to each of the above named grandchildren Phelisha and Edward Ansell to remain in the hands of my Executor hereafter named till they come to lawful age to them their heirs and assigns forever. I will that all of my other estate both real and personal including the negroes that I have lent to my daughters to be sold by my executor thereafter named and the money arising therefrom after paying the above legacies to be equally divided between my four daughters to (illegible) Peggy Ehart, Molley Franklin, Elizabeth Taylor and Tabatha Roads to them their heirs and assigns forever. Item I appoint my friend Belfield Cave my executor to this my last will and testament this second day of August 1805.


Robert X Person (seal)


Signed Sealed

in presence of

William Rucker Jun

Kiles Olliver

At a Court held for Orange County at the courthouse on Monday the twenty fourth day of October 1808. This writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Robert Pearson deceased was offered for probat and recording by Belfield Cave, which being opposed by Robert Ancell the same was by consent continued until the next court. And at another held for the said County at the courthouse aforesaid on Monday the twenty eighth day of November following. Sundry witnesses were sworn and examined and the parties by their attornies fully heard an consideration whereof it was the opinion of the court that the said writing is the last will and testament of the said Robert Pearson deceased and ordered the same to be recorded as such. And on the motion of the said Belfield Cave who made oath thereto according to law, and together with Abner Porter his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of five thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs certificate was granted him for obtaining a probat thereof in due form.


A memorandum of the appraisement of Robert Pearson’s estate deceased December 9th 1808. (Transcriber’s note: It appears that these items were appraised using pounds and shillings, even though Virginia had stopped using this currency by the 1790s.)

Jesse a negro man L 75 | |

Charles 90 | |

Tom 50 | |

Willis 100 | |

Joe 90 | |

Jim and Phebey 100 | |

Tener 85 | |

Milly 80 | |

Theodoshea 60 | |

Dark bay mare blaze face 10 | |

Bright sorrell mare blaze face 20. | |

Young bay mare 12 | |

Old Sorrell mare 6 | |

Gray colt 9 | |

One small pot and hooks |7 | 6

One dutch oven |9 | –

One large pot |3 | –

Dutch oven hooks and baker |6 | –

One frying pan shovel and pot hooks |10|

One black and white cow and calf 3 | |

One brindle cow 3 |12|

One brindle cow yearling and bell 3 | |

One black bull 2 |10|

One red steer 3 | |

One white and red cow and yearling 3 | |

One white cow and yearling 2 | 8

One white and red steer black and white steer 3 | |

Five sheep 2 | |

One cart 2 | 8 |

Five fat hogs | 3 |

One grindstone | 9 |

One raw hide | 5 |

One cotton wheel | 6 |

Tubs and bucket | 6 |

One pair hames and chanes | 6 |

Two tubs | 4 | 6

Tub and can | 6 |

One flax wheel |12|

Three scythes and two cradles | 5 |

Two canteens 2 | 8 |

Old Iron 1 |16|

One pair of wedges | 6|

One pair of Steelyeards (?) |12|

One fish tub and two can buckets | 3 |

Two ploughs | 6 |

One flax wheel | 3 |

Water vessels | 6 |

Two flax wheels |10|

Two hogsheads and three tubs |18|

A parcel of hemp |10|

A parcel of blade fodder (?) |15|

Parcel Oats 5 bushels | 7|

Two stacks of wheat 1| |

One top stack |74|

Two cocks blade fodder |10|

One stack rye | 9 |

One stack oats | 4 | 6

One top stack and loose blades |12|

Crop of corn at ?? ?

Crop of tobacco not stripted 1| 4 | –

Top stack and shucks |15|

One pair saddle bags |10|

One feather bed counterpane and sheet bedstead 12| – | –

One ditto 9| – |

One ditto 9| – |

One pine table one walnut table |18|

One walnut chest |12|

One pine chest | 6 |

One case and 3 large bottles & small ditto, 3 tumblers, one

draw glass and one funnel 1|16|

10 old chairs |15|

2 looking glasses | 5| 6

3 butter pots one jug and ten buckets |15|

One walnut chest | 6 |

Two baskets | 5 |

One saddle | 9 |

One pair of seales | 3 |

Ropes and leather | 9 |

Loom and gear | 6 |

One pair sheep shears | 2 |

2 tin pans | 3 |

6 pewter plates | 9 |

2 pewter dishes and 3 pewter basons 1| 1 |

Old pewter and spoons | 6 |

One pair of shears and hammer | 3 |

One Cupboard | 6 |

Seven earthen plates one earthen dish | 4 |

One earthen bowl tea cups and sauces sauce bowl | 5 |

One pewter pint pot | 3 |

One tea kettle and coffee mill |16| 6

Knives and forks | 3 |

One flat iron | 3 |

One pair of fire dogs | 6 | 6

One hogshead of tobacco prised (?)

One red sow and pigs 2| 2 |

One blue sow and pigs |15|

Seven shoats 1| 8 |

Seven hogs 6| 6 |

One transfer tobacco note weight 663 lbs the tobacco ?

In Fredbg and valued by the commissioner appointed by Cave 7| 4 | 7-1/2

L 860 | 10 | 7-1/2

After being duly sworn in obedience to an order of the worshipful court of Orange County dated November 1808 we have appraised in current money the above estate of Robert Pearson deceased.

John Head

Edward Cason

William Herndon

William Rucker

At a Court held for Orange County at the courthouse on Monday the twenty third day of January 1809: This Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Robert Pearson deceased was returned into court and ordered to be recorded.


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