Lyon, John (1784)

Will of John Lyon
Will Book B, Folio 39
Caswell County, North Carolina
April 23, 1784
Courtesy of

In the Name of God, Amen. I John Lyon in the County of Casewell and State of North Carolina, in Sound sence(sic) of Memory but calling to mind the uncertainty of life and the appearance of death, do make constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.

Item – I give my soul to God who gave it to me and my body to the Earth to be buried at the presentation of my executors herewith mentioned. That after all my just debts and funeral expenses are paid, my estate is then to proceed in manner and form following.

Viz Item – I give and bequeath unto my son James Lyon one hundred acres of land more or less that he traded with Tarisher Turner, one Negro girl named Bett and one feather bed and furniture, one cow and calf, one mare which he already had.

Item – I give and bequeath to my son William Lyon tract of land containing one hundred and seventy acres which he now lives on and one Negro girl named Jude and her increase to him and his heirs forever.

Item – I give and bequeath to my son Peter Lyon the two hundred and forty acres of land that I bought from Bennett Nalley also the entry he bought from Bennett Nalley, three hundred acres more or less, also one Negro girl named Mary to him and his heirs forever.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Lyon one hundred acres of land lying between William Lyon and Ruebin Tourdin, also one Negro girl named Rose and her increase to him and his heirs forever.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Farrow, one Negro wench named Jude to her and heirs of her body lawfully begotten forever.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Farrow, one Negro wench named Ester and her increase to her and her heirs forever.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Francis Bailey, one Negro girl named Trann and her increase to her and heirs of her body lawfully begotten forever. Also one tract of land containing two hundred and Sixty six acres as she now lives on.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane Anderson, one Negro wench named Agg and her increase to her and her heirs forever. Also I lend unto my daughter Jane one Negro girl named Trilled till the rest of my estate be divided and then she is to have her at her value by two or three good men, also one hundred acres of land of Mill Tract not including the Mill. The land I give and bequesth unto my grandson Richard Tanhersly Lyon two hundred acres of land I bought from Joshua Cate also one Negro girl Named Janor, after my wife’s decease.

Item – I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Sally Turner, one Negro girl named palt, after my wife’s decease.

Item – My will is that if I die before I can conveniently go into Virginia in Amherst County to make a right to a certain tract of land where I formerly lived called the Rich Cove, containing three hundred and fifty acres, more or less, that my executors, my will should make Bennett Nalley a good and lawful right to the said tract of land.

Furthermore my will is that my son in law, Samuel Anderson should sell my tract that is call the Mill Tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less for the best price he could get and further I do empower him the said Samuel Anderson to make a good and lawful deed for the land and the money arising from the sale of the said land is to pay my debts and the over plus, if any, to fall in the rest of my estate.

I lend to my betoken wife, Jane Lyon, all my estate real and personal during her natural life in this world and then my will is that my whole estate shall be equally divided between my legatees, my will is that three men of this court should be my Executors to lott(sic) out my estate that is not already given away equally and then my legators shall draw for their parts or get some little boy to draw it our for them.

I constitute and appoint my trusty friend John Womack and John my executors of my last will and testament, revoking any former wills, acknowledging and allowing this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have heretofore set my hand and seal this twenty-third day of April, One thousand, seven hundred and Eighty four.

John Lyon

Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of:

James P. Mercer (his mark)

Jammima B. Mercer (her mark)

Ann Mercer (her mark)

July Court 1784, Caswell County

The execution of this will was duly proved in open court by the oaths of James Mercer, Jammima Mercer and Ann Mercer, the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Test. A. E. Murphy (seal)

Casewell County

This will is recorded in book B, Folio 39 Casewell County

Test. A. E. Murphy (seal)

I hereby certify that the above writing is a perfect and true copy of the will of John Lyon deceased in testimony where I have hereto affixed the seal of our county given under my hand at office the 20th day of August AD on 1785.

A. E. Murphy, Cle.

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