Johnson & Sims to Epaphroditus Rhodes-1797

Johnson & Sims to Epaphroditus Rhodes-1780
Albemarle County, Virginia
Deed Book 12, Page 225

Transcribed by Sharon K Barrett

This Indenture made the Twenty first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and eighty between Thomas Johnson & William Sims Church Wardens of Fredricksville Parish in the County of Albemarle of the one part and Epaphroditus Roads of Albemarle County of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said Church Wardens for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds Virginia Currancy to them in hand paid do give grant bargain & sell agreeable to an order made by the Vestry of Fredricksville parish to the said Epaphroditus Roades and his heirs one parcel of Land in the County of Albemarle containing by estimation Two hundred acres be the same more or less and bounded as followeth by the lands of Richard Durrett Jun’r on the west by Epaphroditus Roable’s (? should this be Rhodes?) land on the North by Joseph Grasham on the East and by John Wood on the South side together with its appertenances to have and to hold the said parcel of land with its appertenances to the said Epaphroditus Roads and his heirs to the sole use and behoof of the said Epaphroditus Rodes and his heirs and the said Church Wardens and their successors the said parcel of land with its appertenances to the said Epaphroditus Rodes and his heirs against all persons whatsoever will forever and defend. In Witness whereof the said Thomas Johnson and William Sims have herein to subscribed their names and affixed their seals the day & year above Written.

Thomas Johnson (Seal)
William Sims (Seal)

Signed sealed and delivered in presents of

Thos. Walker
R’n (Reuben) Lindsay
Wm Dollon
Wm Barksdale
George Gilmer
Nicholas Lewis

At a Court held for Albemarle County the sixth day of February 1797 this Indenture was produced into Court and proved by the oathes of Wm Dollon and Nicholas Lewis two of the witnesses thereto & at April Court in the same year was further proved by the oath of R’n Lindsay a third witness thereto & ordered to be recorded.

John Carr DC

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