John Thurmond to Samuel W. Anderson, 1785

Albemarle County Deed Book 9, p. 219

This Indenture made this twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred & Eighty five Between John Thurmond first of the parish of Saint Ann’s and County of Albemarle and Colony of Virginia of the one part, and Samuel Anderson of said parish County & Colony of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said John Thurmond for and in consideration of the Sum of one hundred and fifteen pounds Current money of Virginia to me in hand paid by the said Samuel Anderson hath granted Bargained and Sold aliened and Confirmed unto the said Samuel Anderson his heirs and assigns one Tract or parcel of Land Containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less lying & being in the parish of St. Ann’s & County of Albemarle, To wit:

Beginning at a corner on a white Oak between Peter Lyon and Said John Thurmond on George Blain’s line thence running South twenty nine degrees west under the foot of a Mountain to pointers Between Bennett Nalley’s line and Said Land thence to a head of a branch thence down Said branch to a fork being a corner between Bennett Nalley Peter Lyon & said Land Thence up another branch to the head on Peter Lyon’s line thence a straight line to the beginning, With all the right & Title, Interest & Claim & demand whatsoever of him the Said John Thurmond or his heirs & in and to the Same to have and to hold the said Land & premises with the appurtenances unto the said Samuel Anderson his heirs & Assigns for ever & the Said John Thurmond his heirs the Said Land & premises above mentioned with the appurtenances to the S’d Samuel Anderson and his heirs and Assigns will warrant & forever defend in Witness whereof there and John Thurmond hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and date above written.

Signed Sealed & delivered

In presence of

Peter Lyon, Jun’r.

Samuel Murrell John Thurmond (S.S.)

John Eubank

Peter Lyon

Memorandom that on the day of the date of the within Indenture possession and Seizin of the within mentioned Lands & premises was given to Samuel Anderson.

Teste John Thurmond

Elizabeth (her X mark) Thurmond

Samuel Murrell

Peter Lyon, Jun’r

John Eubank

Peter Lyon

Received of Samuel Anderson the Sum of one Hundred and fifteen Pounds Current Money of Virginia being the within mentioned consideration in full


Samuel Murrell

Peter Lyon, Jr.

John Eubank

Peter Lyon

At a court held for Albemarle County the 8th day of June 1786 This Indenture was proved by the Oaths of Peter Lyon Samuel Murrell & John Eubank and Ordered to be Recorded.


J. Nicholas, Jr. DC

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