John Anderson to James Hamelton, 1765

John Anderson to James Hamelton
Albemarle County, Virginia Deed Book 4, p. 123-126
August 6, 1765

Transcriber’s Note: This is one of the more difficult deeds I’ve transcribed due to the spelling, repetition, capitalization and lack of punctuation. There were some words, too, that defied interpretation due to the writing style and faded quality of the text. That said, this transcription is believed to be accurate. My connection–if any–to this John Anderson is unknown; I transcribed it because it is one of the earliest Anderson deeds found in Albemarle County. SKB

This Indenture Made the Sixth Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty five Between John Anderson and Mary his Wife of the County of Albemarle and Colony of Virginia on the one part and James Hamelton of the County and Colony afforesaid of the other part.

Witnesseth that for and in consideration of The Sum of Twenty five pounds Current Money of Virginia to the said John Anderson and Mary his Wife in hand paid by the said James Hamelton at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents. The Receipt they do hereby acknowledge and therefore hath Release aquit and Discharge the Said James Hamelton his heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents hath he the Said John Anderson and Mary his Wife Hath Granted Bargained Sold Aliened and confirmed and by these presents Doth Grant Bargain Sell Alien Release and confirm Unto the Said James Hamelton in his Actual possession now being by Virtue a Bargain and Seal to him thereof made by the Said John Anderson and Mary his Wife his Wife for one Whole year by Indenture bearing Date the Day Next before the day of the Day of the Date of these presents and of the Statute for Transferring uses into possessions and his Heirs one certain Tract or parcel of Land containing one Hundred acres be more or Less being in the County of Albemarle on both Sides Stockton Branch of Mechums River and Bounded as followeth:

Beginning at a pine runing then South Eighty Seven Degrees West Seventy five poles to a white oak saplin thence South Seven Degrees West Sixty five poles to a pine and Sixty six Degrees West Six poles to Ambrey(?) Joshua Smiths corner pine thence on his Line South twenty eight Degrees East Eighty three poles to pointers Thence South Seventy Seven Degrees East Seventy poles to a Red Oak thence on New Lines North Twenty five Degrees East Eighty two poles to white oak thence North ten Degrees West Ninty poles crossing Stockton Branch to the first station and all Houses Buildings Orchards ways waters Water courses profits commodities Heriditaments and Appurtainances and the Revertion and Revertions Remainder and Remainders ? ? and profits thereof and ? all the Estate Right Title interest use and trust property clame and Demand Whatsoever of them. The said John Anderson and Mary his Wife of in and to the premises and all Deeds Evedences and Writings touching or in any ways Concerning the Same.

To Have and to Hold the Said one hundred acres of Land be it more or Less and all and Singular other the premises hereby Granted and Released and Every part and parcel Thereof with their and Ever of their appurtenances unto the Said James Hamelton and of his Heirs and Assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the Said James Hamelton and of his Heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the Said James Hamelton and of his heirs and assigns forever and the Said John Anderson and Mary his Wife for themselves and their Heirs Executors and administrators doth covenant promise and Grant to and With the said James Hamelton Now at the Sealing and Delivery of these presents are Seised of a good Shure perfict and indefensible Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple of and in the premises hereby Granted and Released and they hath Good power and Lawfull and Absolute Athority to Grant and Convey the Same to the Said James Hamelton in Manner and form beforesaid and that the said premises now are and so for ever hereafter Shall Remain and be free and Clear of and from all former and other Gifts Grants bargains Seals Dowery Right & title of Dowery Judgements executions titles Troubles Charges and incumbrances Whatsoever made done commited or Suffered by the Said John Anderson and Mary his Wife or any other person or Persons Whatsoever the Quotients hereafter to Grow due and payably to our Sovereign Lord the King his heirs and Such —- for and in Respect of the Said premises only Excepted and —– and Lastly that the Said John Anderson and Mary his Wife and their heirs all and Singular the premises hereby granted and Released with their Appurtenances Unto the Said James Hamelton his heirs and Assigns Against them the Said John Anderson and Mary his Wife and their Heirs and all & Every other person and persons Whatsoever Shall and will Warrant and forever Defend by these presents.

In Witness whereof the Said John Anderson and Mary his Wife hath hereunto Set their hand and Seal the Day and year first above Written.

John Anderson
Mary (her mark) Anderson

Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of
Gilbert Marshall
Hugh Alexander
Michael Woods

Mary Anderson Mother to the Said John Anderson hath by these presents given up all Right title property or claim to the said Land and premises in witness whereof the Said Mary Anderson hath Set her hand and Seal the day and year Above Written.
Mary Anderson

At a Court held for Albemarle County the 8th Day of August 1765 This Indenture was proved by the Oath of Gilbert Marshall Hugh Alexander & Michael Woods the witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded.

Henry Fry

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