Hezekiah Rhodes to Reuben Herndon-1805

Hezekiah Rhodes to Reuben Herndon, 1805
Albemarle County, Virginia
Deed Book 15, Page 214

Transcribed by Sharon K Barrett

This Indenture made the 7th day of August one thousand eight hundred five between Hezekiah Rhodes of the first part & Nimrod Bramham of the second part and Reuben Herndon of the third part.

Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sum of one Dollar to him the said Hezekiah Rhoades in hand paid before the Ensealing & Delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, but more especially in order to secure to the said Nimrod Bramham the sum of Eighty Seven pounds Seven Shillings Lawful Money of the commonwealth of Virginia, hath this day granted bargained and Sold and doth by these presents, bargain & Sell unto the above named Reuben Herndon the following Property to wit, one certain Tract of Land lying in the County of Albemarle and State of Virginia, adjoining the lands of Epaphroditus Rhoads and Reuben Rhoads & Richard Durrett containing one hundred and fourteen acres more or less – To have and to hold the aforementioned Tract or Parcel of Land unto the said Reuben Herndon his heirs Executors Administration of free from the Claims of every person forever, Upon Trust Nevertheless that the Said Reuben Herndon as Soon as conveniently he Can after first Publickly Advertising the same sell by publick Auction the above mentioned Tract or parcel of Land for the highest price that can be obtained in ready money, out of which he is to satisfy and pay the said Nimrod Braham the above mentioned sum of Eighty seven pounds seven shillings, the Residue of such money of any there be, return to the said Hezekiah Rhoads or to any person by him Legally Authorized to receive the same.

In Testimony whereof the parties have set their hands & affixed their seals
Hezekiah Rhoads (Seal)
Nimrod Bramham (Seal)
Reuben Herndon (Seal)

James Breedlove
Reuben Siball (?)
Nelson Burress
Ambrose X Dowell (his mark)

At a Court held for Albemarle County the 7th day of Oct 1805
This Deed of Trust was Acknowledged by Hezekiah Rhoads & Nimrod Bramham parties thereto & by the Court ordered to be Recorded.

John Nicholas C.A.C.

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