George Waller to Epaphroditus Rhodes, 1772
Albemarle County Courthouse
Charlottesville, Virginia
Deed Book 6, p. 125
Transcribed by Sharon K Barrett
This indenture made this seventeenth Day of November In the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and seventy two between George Waller an[d] Ann his wife of the County of Pitsilvania and parish of [blank] of the one part and Epaphroditus Rhodes of the parish of St. Thomas in the County of Orange of the other part. Witnesseth that the s’d George Waller and Ann his wife for and in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the s’d Epaphroditus Rhodes before the Ensealing & Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof the s’d George Waller and Ann his wife doth acknowledge and Confess themselves fully satisfied and paid and thereof do clearly acquit Exonerate & Discharge the s’d Epaphroditus Rhodes his Heir Execution administration and every of them for ever and by these presents have Given Granted Bargained Sold Enfeoffed & Confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely Bargain Sell Enfeoff and Confirm unto the s’d Epaphroditus Rhodes his Heir and assigned forever one Certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing Three hundred acres and being in Albemarle County on Jacobs run being part of Cap’n Wm Carr’s tract Given to the s’d George Waller and Ann his wife and bounded as follows to wit
Beginning at a Spanish Oak Gum Hickory and Sasafras on the south side of Jacobs Run thence South Twenty Three degrees West one Hundred & Seventy Seven poles to a White Oak thence South Sixty Three Degrees East two hundred & Thirty poles to a bush and May pole in a Branch thence North Twenty Three Degrees East two hundred and Fifty Six poles to a Red Oak and two hickory saplins on the South side of Jacobs Run on the Bank thence up the several meanders of the said Run to the beginning. Together with all Houses out houses Orchard Gardens Fences woods underwoods waters & water courses thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining to Have and to hold the s’d lands & premises with all and Singular the appurtenances Whatsoever to the same belonging to him the s’d Epaphroditus Rhodes his Heirs & assigns forever & he the s’d George Waller & Ann his wife for themselves & their Heirs the s’d lands and Premises with their & every of their appurtenances to the s’d Epaphroditus Rhodes his Heirs and assigns shall & will warrant for ever Defend by their presents against any person or persons whatsoever having or Lawfully Claiming any Right or Title to the same or any part or parcel thereof and he the s’d George Waller for himself & his Heirs doth Grant Covenant and agree to —– the s’d Epaphroditus Rhodes his Heirs & assigns as followeth (Viz)
That the s’d George Waller at the time of Ensealing and Delivery of these presents Is and stands seized of an Indefeasible Estate in fee simple of and for the above mentioned lands and premises and that he hath good Right and Lawfull Authority to Sell & Convey the same. In manner afores’d and that the same shall forever remain unto him the s’d Epaphroditus Rhodes, his Heirs and assigns freely & Clearly Exonerated & Discharged of all and all manner of other and form or Bargains Sales Seals Tittle of Dower and all other Rights and Estates whatever thereunto belonging In Witnesseth where of the s’d George Waller & Ann his Wife hath hereunto Set their hands & Seals the Day & year above written.
George Waller
Signed Seal’d & Delivered
In the presence of
M Bell Mica Clark Jr
Joseph Martin Wm Tinsley
John Mcauley Sen.
Rec’d of Epaphroditus Rhodes Seventy pound Curr. Money of Virginia in full Satisfaction of the Consideration mentioned in the within Written Deed on the Day & year within Written I say Rec’d
M Bell Mica Clark Jr
For Martin Wm Tinsely Jn Mcauley
At Albemarle June Court 1773
This Indenture & Receipt were proved by the oath of Joseph Martin
& the same having him before proved by two others —-
(cut off at bottom of page)
Transcriber’s Note: Jacob’s Run Creek flows into the Rivanna River. From the description in the deed, Epaphroditus Rhodes’ land was south of Jacob’s Run.

A dam on Jacob’s Run created Chris Greene Lake, and the park opened in 1971.