Epaphroditus Rhodes to Reuben Rhodes-1797

Epaphroditus Rhodes to Reuben Rhodes-1797
Albemarle County, Virginia
Deed Book 12, Page 232-233

Transcribed by Sharon K Barrett

This Indenture made and done this nineteenth day of January one thousand seven hundred & ninety seven between Epaphroditus Roads and Ann his wife of the county of Albemarle and state of Virginia of the one part and Rheubin Rhoads of the County & state afore said of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said Epaphroditus Roads & Ann his wife for sundry goods causes but more Especially for and in consideration of the full and just sum of twenty pounds current money of Virginia to us in hand paid the receipt whereof we do hereby confess and acknowledge hath given granted Al–? delivered and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant Ali– infer Deliver and confirm unto the said Reubin Roads his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land lying & Being in the County & state aforesaid it being part of that tract of land sold by the Church Wardents of Fredricks– Parrish to the said Epaphriditus Roads and is bounded as follows (Viz)

Beginning at three white oakes & black oak Pointers in Richard Durrots line thence S45 degrees E34 poles to a red oak thence S76 degrees E190 poles to two black oaks a hicory & white oak pointers in Proctors line thence S27 degrees E78 poles to a pine corner to Frances Birkhead thence N75 degrees W 168 poles to a red oak corner to David Wood from thence to the first station containing by estimation 95 acres be the same more or less together with all houses out houses or chards gardens fences woods under woods waters water ways courses prophets comodities Emoluments hereditariments whatsoever with each and every of their appertenances and the reversion and reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents use and prophets of each and every part and parts thereunto belonging or in any ways appertaining thereunto to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land with each of its prophets and Emoluments – hereby granted or intended to be granted with their and every of their appertences unto the said Reubin Roads his heirs and assigns forever & for the only use benefit prophet and advantage of the said Reubin Roads his heirs and assigns forever and to and for no other use intended or propheted whatesoever and we do forever warrant and defend the said tract or parcel of Land against all each and every Claim or Claims whatsoever that shall or may hereafter appear & this our indenture shall Pledge us to make any other deed or conveyance the law shall or may hereafter Demand or Require

In witness whereof we the parties of these presence have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and year written above.

Epaphroditus Roads (Seal)
Ann X Roads (her mark) (Seal)

Signed sealed and Delivered in presents of
Jn. D. Grymes
Hezekiah Roads
John Roads

Jn. D. Grymes

at Albemarle June Court 1797

This Indenture was produced into Court and acknowledged by Epaphroditus Roads one of the parties thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Jn Carr D.C.

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