Category Archives: SpiritSpace
The Birthday Gift
It was my birthday. As I left work at my school and started to drive home, I thought of how different my birthdays used to be. When my kids were young and my parents were still alive we’d get together … Continue reading
A Pilgrimage to Maine
My parents and I first visited the coast of Maine in the early 1960s. Even as a young child I was just as enchanted and mesmerized as my parents were by the things we saw and heard at the edge … Continue reading
Frequencies – Revisited
I’m no stranger to strange events, but sometimes it’s very easy for me to get caught up in the busy “here and now” world. At times I sort of forget that everyday life is just the proverbial tip of an … Continue reading
The Envelope
In December 2005, my family members and I were trying to cope with the sudden and unexpected death of a very special loved one. While I have absolute faith that those who have “gone on” are okay, those of us … Continue reading
Honey’s Healing
The night of February 7, 2003 was a cold one. We’d had snow a couple of days before, and I was just about ready to crawl under a warm comforter for the night. I needed to let the dogs out … Continue reading
The Quest for a Kitten
I’ve always loved cats. I was five years old I got my first kitten, and I can still remember going with my dad to a man’s house and seeing more cats in one place than I’d ever seen before. And … Continue reading
The Hall Tree
After my favorite aunt died in July 2001, my cousins and I had several experiences that led us to believe that she was okay. She was a woman who had very strong “knowings” about the survival of the soul after … Continue reading
A Sweet Reminder
In July 2001, after a month of hope, despair, and hope again, my favorite aunt died following a surgical procedure from which she had an 80% chance of making a full recovery. Our family was devastated. It seemed inconceivable that … Continue reading
The New House
I’d wanted to move forever. Or at least it SEEMED like forever. While our house was “sufficient,” I had dreams of moving to something a little larger with more storage space, more land, and more privacy. My sons dreamed of … Continue reading
The Story Behind “Sacred Circles”
In October of 2000, I started trying to figure out what sort of major course to offer for a two-week “mini-mester” that was part of my school’s academic schedule. During the mini-mester, students would take a “major” class that met … Continue reading