Anderson, Samuel W. (1819)

Will of Samuel W. Anderson
April 20, 1819
Probated May 3, 1819
Albemarle County Will Book

(I neglected to record Will Book # and page #. My apologies. SBK)

In the name of God, Amen. I Samuel W. Anderson of the County of Albemarle and the state of Virginia, being weak in body but sound in mind, do make this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all others heretofore made by me. >>>>> after all my just debts are paid.

Item 1: I desire and bequeath to my eldest son Walter Anderson and his heirs one tract of Land I bought of William Law containing one hundred and fifty seven acres, also one Negro boy named Billy, a sorrel mare and one Mans saddle and Ninety seven pounds in money, all of which my said son has received into his possession.

Item 2nd: I give and bequeath to my son John Anderson and his heirs one tract of Land lying on Aarons branch in Amherst County containing Two Hundred and Thirteen Acres, also a stud horse, a mans saddle, one feather bed and furniture, one Cow and Calf and one hundred and Twelve pounds in money all of which property and Money he has received into his possession.

Item 3rd: I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Anderson and his heirs one part of a certain tract of Land lying on the aforesaid Aarons branch containing two hundred and sixty nine acres adjoining the Lands of William Cabbell and others, also one bay mare and one mans saddle, one bed and furniture and part of my Shop Tools and fifty one pounds in money also one Negroe man named Mushark, one Cow and Calf, all of which property and Money my said son Samuel has received into his possession.

Item 4th: I give and bequeath unto my son William H. Anderson the tract of Land whereon he now Lives, in the County of Amherst adjoining the Lands of one Hith (?), also one bay mare and saddle, one bed and furniture and part of my Shop Tools and two hundred dollars which he received of my Daughter Susannah also two hundred and fifty dollars. I gave my said son William all of which property and money my said son William has already received unto his profession.

Item 5th: After my Death, I give and bequeath unto my said son William H. Anderson the balance of my shop Tools, one Negro boy named Dick to him and his heirs forever.

Item 6th: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Susannah Long and heirs, one negroe Woman named Jenny and her two Children which property my said Daughter Susannah sold to Terisha Turner, one mare named Hit, one womans saddle and bridle, one light Horse Cart with the gear, one half of my Household and Kitchen furniture, on Cow ad Calf, Two Ewes and Lambs, which said Mare, Horse Cart and Gear my said Daughter Susannah is now in possession of.

Item 7th: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Jean Anderson and her heirs one Negroe Woman named Barbary and her two children, and all her future increase which property my said Daughter has already in her possession, one Horse that she may choose from among my Stock, one womans saddle and bridle in equal portion with my Daughter Susannah, of my household and Kitchen Furniture this is one half of the whole, one Cow and Calf, two Ewes and Lambs.

Item 8th: After my Death my will and desire is that my Executors hereafter named shall sell at publick auction upon such Credit as they may think but the tract of Land whereon I now live, lying in the County of Albemarle adjoining the Lands of Peter Lyon and others containing two hundred and eighty one Acres by a recent Survey and the money arising from the sale of said tract of Land to be equally divided between my two Daughters Susannah Long and Jean Anderson.

Item 9th: After my Death my desire is that a certain Negroe Woman named Lucy(?) now in my possession shall have the priveledge of belonging to either one of my Children she may choose.

Item 10th: My Will and desire is that the residue and such proceeds as may not be applied as before devised, and such of my Estate as is not divided or giving away in the foregoing Items Shall be sold and the proceeds equally divided between all my Children, that is to say Walter, John, Samuel and W. H. Anderson, Susannah Long and Jane Anderson, and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my Friends Samuel L. Hart and William Boyd my Executors of this my last will and Testament. In Witness where of I hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twentyeth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen.

Samuel W. Anderson (seal)

The following in bersingments (?) took place

Before signing it:

The word “future” in the 14th line of second page

The word “as” in the 1st line of the third Page

Signed, Sealed, Published and declared as for the

Last Will and Testament in presence of us

William Nally

James Parsons

Samuel Blair

James Roberts

Moses Maxwell

At a Court held for Albemarle County the 3rd of May 1819

This Instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of Samuel W. Anderson deceased was produced into Court and proved by the Oaths of William Nally and Moses Maxwell witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.


Alexander Garrett, Clerk

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