1868-044 & 1868-044 (original 1868-035 cc)
1868 Albemarle County, Virginia
Transcribers Note: These two (partial) photographs are part of a larger suit, in which Thomas W. Rhodes, admin. d.b.n.c.t.a, filed suit against Robert P. Rhodes for monies owed the estate of their father, John W. Rhodes. The lawsuits surrounding this estate started shortly after the death of John W. Rhodes in 1846 and continued until the late 1870s! These chancery suits are not yet digitized by the Library of Virginia and may only be accessed in the Archives Research Room in Richmond, Virginia. If time and circumstances permit, I will return to Richmond to photograph and transcribe the entire chancery suit

Transcription: …..directed that he pay over to said Frances Herndon the interest on said funds; but before he shall act as such trestee, the said Oscar Reierson(sp) shall with sufficient security enter into & acknowledge before the Clerk of this Court a bond in the penalty of $1600 and conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as trustee in this cause. And it is further adjudged ordered & decreed that Thomas W Rhodes adm d.b.n.c.ta of John Rhodes dec’d pay to the children of Mrs. Nancy Ahart in proportion to their rights to the adults or their counsel, and to the legal ? of the infants on his counsel, the sum of $379.18 1/4 with interest on $339.76 1/4 part thereof from the 1st day of March 1866 till paid and so said Oscar Reierson trustee as aforesaid, when authorized under this decree to receive the same, the sum of $875.18 1/4 with interest on $739.76 1/4 part thereof from said 1st day of March 1866 till paid; but said adm’n is required to make such payments until proper refunding bond shall have been given according to law…..

…and it is further adjudged, ordered & decreed that Robert Rhodes pay to said Thomas W. Rhodes adm’n d.b.n.C.t.A as aforesaid the sum of $352.02 with interest on $186.49 as part thereof from the 1st….