William B. Smith to John W. Anderson, 1882

Nelson County, Virginia Deed Book 21, pp. 548-549

This Deed made and entered into this the 24th day of May 1882 between Wm. B. Smith of the County of Nelson and State of Virginia, acting in his own right and by the authority of two Powers of Attorney, one from Thos. W. Smith of Mecklenburg County, Virginia, and one from Wm. A. Smith of Lebannon in the County of Collin, State of Texas on the one part, and John W. Anderson of Nelson County and State of Virginia on the other part.

Witnesseth: That the said Wm. B. Smith in his own right and acting under the authority of the two Powers of Attorney aforesaid, and joint in consideration of the sum of one hundred & sixty dollars in hand paid; hath this day sold unto the said John W. Anderson one certain lot or parcel of land, lying & being in the County of Nelson on one of the branches of North Rockfish, adjoining the lands of Thos. Coles and others and known as part of the Mill tract (now owned by Wm. H. Turner) and containing eight acres, more or less, it being the same land sold by Jno. B. Spiece, about the year 1868, said Spiece being Trustee, in a deed from Ro. P. Smith to secure a debt due from said Smith to James M. Bowen, and conveyed by said Spiece to the said Thos. W. & Wm. A Smith. And the said Wm. B. Smith for himself, his heirs and above stated unto the said John W. Anderson his heirs & assigns forever, the aforesaid lot of land together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. Will Warrant & forever defend, free from the claim of him, he said Wm. B. Smith and free from the claim or claims of all and every person whatsoever, with general warranty.

In testimony whereof the said Wm. B. Smith doth hereunto set his hand & seal this day & date above written.

Wm. B. Smith (seal)

State of Virginia

Albemarle County

I, Wm. H. Turner, a Justice of the peace in and for the State & County aforesaid do certify that Wm. B. Smith, whose name is signed to the writing hereunto annexed, bearing date on the 24th day of May 1882, personally came before me in my county aforesaid and acknowledged the same.

Given under my hand this 27th day of May 1882.

Wm. H. Turner, J.P.

In the Clerk’s Office, Nelson County Court, July 24, 1882

This Deed was this day presented in said office duly certified and admitted to record.

Teste: W. M. Hill, Clerk

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