James & Elizabeth Shields to Willis R. Plunkett, 1828

Nelson County Deed Book 6, P. 232

This Indenture made this nineteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight between James Shields and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and Willis R. Plunket of the other part both of the County of Nelson and State of Virginia, Witnesseth that the said James and Elizabeth for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars current money to them in hand paid by the said Willis R. Plunket the rect. they hereby acknowledge have bargained and sold and doth by these presents bargain sell all e an and enfeoff (?) a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Nelson and on both sides of Hatt Creek containing by survey two hundred and forty seven acres and half and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at a Poplar corner to James Montgomery and James Shields and with said Shield’s lines S86 E226 po[les] to a stake N40 E54 po to pointers (?) 56 E80 po to Pointers corner Wm Lee Harris Dec’d and with his line N37 E34 poles to Pointers N6 W85 po to pointers corner to Margaret Shields, and with her lines S77 W34 po to a Burch N78 W94 po to pointers S79 W100 po on the Creek and corner to Robert Shields and with his lines N77 W64 po to a White Oak N54 W32 po to a chestnut S59 W 100 po to a maple and N78 W46 po to Pointers in James Montgomery’s line and with his line S63 E155 po to the Begginning. To have and to hold the said land and premises, with all its Hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said Willis R Plunket and his heirs forever and the said James Shields and Elizabeth his wife doth for themselves there heirs and forever warrant and defend a good and sufficient right in fee simple to said Willis R. Plunket and his heirs forever against all persons, claiming whatsoever. In witness whereof the said James Shields & Elizabeth doth hereunto subscribe there hands and affix there seals the day and date above written.

James Shields (seal)

Signed sealed &

acknowledged in the presents of…..

In Nelson County Clerks office April the 24th 1828

This deed was presented, and acknowledged by James Shields, a party thereto and admitted to record.

Teste: Ro. C. Cutler D.C.

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