Bennett Nalley to Samuel W. Anderson, 1791

Albemarle Co. VA Will Book 10, p. 317
October 13, 1791

This indenture made this thirteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety one, Between Bennett Nalley of the County of Amherst and State of Virginia of the one part and Samuel Anderson, of the County of Albemarle of the said State, of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said Bennett Nalley, for and in consideration of the sum of Forty fore pounds Current money of Virginia, to me in hand paid, by the said Samuel Anderson, Hath granted Bargained and Sold Aliened & Confirmed unto the said Samuel Anderson his heirs and assigns one Tract or parcel of land containing Eighty Three Acres more or less, lying and being in the County of Albemarle in The Rich Cove, and bounded as follows, by George Blane, Bennett Nalley and the said Samuel Anderson, being part a tract belonging formerly to Charles Martin, and Conveyed from him to John Forrel Dawson & from him to the said Bennett Nalley, to wit, Beginning at a Red oak at a Corner of George Blane’s, and said Samuel Anderson, thence runing on Samuel Anderson’s old line, South twenty nine degrees West to pointers being the old Corner then running a new line up the Mountain to a Corner on pointers the top of the Mountain, then & old line, thence down the old line to the beginning, made before Benjamin Moore, Peter Lyon & John Baley as witnesses to the said lines, with all the Right title Interest Claim & Demand, whatsoever of him the said Bennet Nalley, or his heirs, & in & to the same, To have and to hold the said land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Samuel Anderson, his Heirs & assigns for ever, and the said Bennett Nalley & his heirs the said Land & premises above mentioned with the Appurtenances to the said Samuel Anderson & his heirs & assigns, will warrant and forever defend, as witness whereof the said Bennett Nalley hath here unto set his hand & Seal the Day and Year above written.

Bennett Nalley (Seal) In presence of Rec’d on the day of the date of the within Indenture of the within named Samuel Anderson the Sum of Forty four pounds Current money being the Consideration within Mentioned. Teste I say Rec’d ? Memorandom that on the day of the Date of the within Indenture quiet & peaceable Seizen of possession of the land & premises within mentioned with all the appurtenances was had & taken by Bennett Nalley & by him given & Delivered unto Samuel Anderson.

In presence of Witness my Hand, At Albemarle Octo’r Court 1791 This Indenture ? were produced into Court and acknowledged by Bennett Nalley one of the parties thereto & ordered to be recorded. John Nicholas, CAC

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